Guten Tag und herzlich Willkommen zu diesem Gedankenaustausch.

Bonjour, soyez  les bienvenus.

Hi, good morning , be bery welcome to this short workshop about money, about projects and the possibilities of living in à flat or something like that

1. About living and money

Since 20, 30, or even 60 years and more, you are living where you are or have been. With parents, with friends, alone, outside and inside of rooms, buildet by men. In my case, I had a great time in the alps, in switzerland and other countries. May be more than the half of my live I stayed outside. For free, as gift from live and nature. Then I begun to pay for train, bus, skilift, camping places and since more than 30 years I pay for beeing in flats, in rooms, in hotels, in appartements. Sometimes I was just invited – thanks, we don’t forget.
I would be very interested how it was in your case. In your „living in rooms“ biography.

4 Years for 300 bucks a month it’s just about 14400, 4 years for 500 bucks a month, it’s about 24000, 4 years for 800, it’s 39600, 28 years for 1000, it’s 336000. – so they are surely more than 400000 in 30 years. Alone, with friends, with family, with children. It is surely less than the standard in switzerland.

And you, how much you pay to be normal, to be a normal member of this society ? Just for beeing not outside during the night, during rainy days? Our flats, as beautiful they can be are still caves or tents, aren’t they?

2. The project mmBelleriveVD and the momentum

Some people are looking for an old, great house, buy it, make possible than business, other people can live within, like a house anywhere on this planet, with place to be, to learn, to exchange crafts, moments, money. With a certain respect to the outside and the inside. That’s the project mmBelleriveVD.  Since two years, some friends and the http://www.giessereins.ch gave time, ideas, money ( 40000 bucks, if you look all transport and personal preparation it’s more than 100’000 ) and had a lot of fun, really, a lot of fun. On the blog mmBelleriveVD.com you find a professional master plan // business plan , professional films and pictures about the house itself and the promotion day in June, the 23 rd in 2012, the concert with inedit Duo in September 2012. You find a part of the Donators, the member of the society mmBelleriveVD, and a lot of more informations. We are proud about the development in these one and a have year.
We although have a nice address for the society: street of future 11 in 2501 Biel-Bienne.


eis zwöi drü – das wärs wohl gsi, chumm, Rössli, hü

mit dem Zeitungsartikel in der La Broye wird klar, dass der Kreis um die
Initiative mmBelleriveVD zuwenig organisiert ist, um dies grossartige Haus
zu kaufen und zu beleben. Dieser Blog ist sicher noch ein Jahr aktuell, die Käufer können ja unsere Ideen abkupfern und uns vielleicht mal einladen. Alles ok. Ihr, die ihr alle dabei wart, könnt sagen, „Ich war dabei“, auch wenn andere endlich mit diesem Haus wirtschaftlich, ideel und in dieZukunft gerichtet sich beschäftigen, unsere Arbeit hat doch Freude gemacht, oder? Und war vielleicht gar mitentscheidend, dass endlich was geht.
Mit besten Wünschen und nur weiter, immer weiter

Auf Nimmerwiedersehen

25 000 Gefangenen wurden in Thailand in die FREIHEIT entlassen – weil Königin Sirikit gerade ihren 80. und Kronprinz Vajirlongkorn seinen 60. GEburtstag gefeiert haben: Wir hoffen, dass wir euch nicht wiedersehen“, sagte der stellvertretenden Justizminister bei einer Zeremonie in einem Gefängnis in Bangkok

(20min, 17.08.12)